When i saw this i just could not help myself, this looks a lot like the BMW inpa cable K-Dcan hardware, i had to try it, i did my FTDI chip with Mprog all good nut could not do the Atmel chip over usb, used TL866 ISP, i can program it but it revuse to write the Fuse bits no idea why but i did the code and data memory and just left the fusebits it do not match the Project files for tl866, whel it do open vcds and say my cable need firmware 1.96 and mine is 1.95, it updates it and all done did the TEST and i get K1 short to +12 and K2 short to +12, and can say not pluged into car but the inpa cable do acept the programming and the VAGCOM_HWType identify it as HW44 and bootloader enabled, even VAGCOM_EEWrite do write it over usb after i programed it with tl866, so it is not compatable or my problem is the Fuse/Lock bits, i will try with AVR